A New Year And New Beginnings

A new year is here! And do you know what that means? There is potential everywhere you turn. As we speak you’re probably setting new goals for your business and your personal life. And if you’re anything at all like the rest of the people in the world, the excitement of a new year will wear off sometime around Q2 and you’ll find yourself slogging through the rest of 2020 just as you do every year. 

But I think this year can be different. I think this year you can stay a little more focused and make a little more progress toward your goals. So, if you’re ready to grow in 2020 here are a couple of things you should consider.

Create a morning routine


I am a huge advocate of a morning routine. I get up and start my day in the same way and at the same time every single day of the week. It’s not exciting but it’s consistent and over the years I have learned that when the day to day life of being an entrepreneur gets hectic I can always fall back on my routine for some stability. Do I do it perfectly every day? No, but even if I miss a day here or there, my routine is so established that it’s easy to slip right back into it. So as you set big goals for this coming year, start by working to establish a healthy morning routine. 

Get focused

Part of the benefit and shortfall of being an entrepreneur is that you are filled to the brim with great ideas. Creativity oozes from you and you’re confident that one of your great ideas is going to take off. The downside to all of that creativity is that it can lead you on a wild goose chase where you never end up catching any geese. No one is saying that you can’t be a restauranteur, photographer, and run a landscaping business. But, perhaps you’d be more successful if you direct your focus toward one of your dreams at a time.

Take yourself seriously

As you dig into this new year, I hope that you’ll take yourself and your big dreams seriously. That may look different for each of us, but for me, it means getting good sleep, investing in marketing to help me grow, putting money back into my business, and eating foods that give me energy. If it’s your desire to grow your business this year and you’re spending your evenings (and your money) out at your favorite bar, it could be said that your priorities are a little out of whack. 

Today is just another day, and this year is just another year, but it can be more than that. This can be the year that you keep your promises to yourself. This can be the year that you grow just a little bit more than last year, and as we all know, every little bit counts. If you want to start your year with a coach to help you make the most of 2020, send me a message. I’d love to work with you.

InspirationalNancy Benet