What Do I Do With All Of This Drive?

If you’re an entrepreneur like me, you’re probably also very driven to succeed. Those two characteristics generally go together. And chances are, by virtue of your being here and reading this blog post you are a person (most likely a woman) driven toward something more. Often as women, we’re taught to squelch that desire. Historically women have been tucked neatly into the category of gentle, quiet, and obedient, but boy has the world changed.

These days women are shattering glass ceilings left and right. Yet, sometimes when we see the women out in the world doing great things and it’s hard to imagine that boldness and freedom in our own lives. I’m here to tell you, and to demonstrate with my own life, that it is absolutely possible for you. But, just like everything in the world that is worth having, achieving something bigger for your life (whether professional or personal) requires drive and dedication. 

So what do we do when our dreams require drive, yet the world around us is encouraging us not to ruffle feathers? 

First, you have to get really certain about what you want. Not everyone is going to agree with your choices or celebrate your drive, so unless you’re sure about what you want and why you want it you may be tempted to give up. To find clarity in this area I’d recommend spending some time journaling. Just fifteen minutes each morning spent working through your thoughts and desires will help you build a strong WHAT and  WHY. You don't have to have all the answers, but you should have an idea of what direction you're heading and why it's important for you to go there.

Once you’re clear about what you want, you need to align your life to help you achieve what you want. For example, if your dream is to run a marathon but you don’t make time to run, or you stay up too late watching television, no amount of mental desire is going to make you succeed. The drive is only powerful when it is met with preparation. What do you need to do to empower yourself to be successful? If you’re trying to grow a business you can start by taking care of your mind and body. Eat and drink to nourish your body, get plenty of sleep, and prioritize your own wellness. Until you’re well, it will be difficult to achieve at the level you hope to.

Finally, when you have a strong vision and a life that supports it, just go. Point yourself in the right direction and allow your drive to propel you. I promise you, some people won’t like it. Lots of people won’t get it, and that’s okay. Your life isn't for them. 

If you’re working hard and still feel like you could use some help getting momentum, contact me about my business coaching services.