Self-Care for Small Business Owners


How are you? Really. The last year has been more stressful and exhausting for business owners than anything I’ve seen in over a decade. I’ve seen many talented and passionate owners throw in the towel because the stress was too high or the clients simply stopped calling. If you’ve made it this far, I’m happy for you. 2020 taught us a lot about how to be agile and how to work harder than we ever imagined possible. We’ve had to be creative, and lean on our teams more than we’re used to. Unfortunately, in all of the conversations I have with business owners, there is one thing that isn’t coming up as much as it should: self-care.

What comes to mind when you think of self-care? Lounging in a tub with a glass of red wine? Netflix binging on a Friday night? While those things may be fun, that’s not exactly the type of care I’m thinking of. As business owners, we are the engine that drives our companies, the navigators that point our ships in the right direction, and the captains that lead our teams confidently into the future. That’s a lot of responsibility for one person. 

Over the last year, I’ve learned one critical self-care lesson. Teamwork. If we want to survive this pandemic or any of the surprises the universe will throw at us in the future, we need to surround ourselves with people and systems who can help us grow our companies without losing ourselves in the process. 

Imagine you brought on a new team member but didn't give them a job description, any training, or support staff to help them. You can’t imagine that can you? It would be a recipe for disaster. Why then do we do the same things to ourselves? We expect ourselves to be miracle workers. I think the best self-care that a business owner can invest in are resources that enable them to pass on their responsibilities to talented and dependable employees.

Hire a Consultant

Are you having HR issues or trouble setting up a sales system? You can stop treading water if you take the time and hire a business consultant who can help you solve complex issues so you can move your company forward.

Hire an Experienced Accountant and Bookkeeper

There is nothing more important in your business than managing your finances properly. One of the primary functions of your company is to make money, and if your books are in the wrong hands, you may not be making as much as you’d like to.

Delegate Odd Jobs

This may require hiring a new position, or simply delegating small jobs to other people on your team. As the CEO, some things are worth your time, and some things aren't. Jot down all of the tasks, no matter how small, that you do in a day. What can you pass off to someone else? Hint: are you a CEO who is managing your company’s Facebook page? Maybe it's time to pass that job along.

Self-care isn’t just about bubble baths and beach days (though those things are worth it!). It’s also about making some hard decisions about what you can and cannot successfully juggle. You are brilliant, courageous, and strong, but that doesn’t mean you have to martyr yourself at the foot of your business. For more information bout how Fix-It Accounting can help you take better care of yourself and better care of your business, contact us today.