How Quickbooks Is Partnering With Other Apps To Make Accounting Easier Than Ever


It’s no secret that we recommend Quickbooks to our clients. The ease of the platform and excellent reporting make it an uncomplicated way to efficiently track your business expenses. But you may not know that Quickbooks also partners with over 100 different apps to streamline the way that you manage your money.

Sending and receiving payments

Recently Inuit announced a new application that allows your Quickbooks to connect directly with your PayPal. Since many small businesses use paypal as the way they accept money from their clients and send money to their vendors, this is a much anticipated partnership that will make tracking those funds so much simpler. This streamlines your accounting processes so that you always have an up to date picture of how your business is doing. In addition to PayPal, Quickbooks also syncs with Square and other payment applications to automatically imports data into your Quickbooks account.

Tracking time and invoicing

In partnership with Google’s Calendar app, you are now able to better track your time for future invoicing. The way this works is by pulling meeting descriptions and durations into your Quickbooks for easy invoicing.This is another great way that partnerships between Quickbooks and other heavily used applications can streamline the process of tracking your income.

Streamlining payroll services

Do you have an efficient way to track your employee’s hours? Most tracking systems are labor intensive and inefficient, but now you can easily sync a timecard system with your Quickbooks platform. With the integration of the myEtimecard, payroll information is automatically and easily sent directly to your books. This app creates a sense of transparency as all of your workers are able to see their hours tracked, real time.

Automatically tracking expenses

It happens to the best of us, you make a purchase with your credit card and shove the receipt into the bottom of your purse where it is never found again. Skip the hassle by automatically linking your Quickbooks account with your American Express credit card.

As a business owner, you have so many important things to think about. Don’t let the tedious work of collecting receipts and tracking your employees time get in the way of running your business. At Fix-It Accounting we recommend Quickbooks to all of our accounting and bookkeeping clients, and now we offer an additional service where we will set up the program for you and all you need to do is enter the data each month. If you’re interested in learning more about this service and many others, contact us today.

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